Friday, January 21, 2011


One of these days, I'm going to fully unpack this word. I'd like to compare this concept across religions, organizations, and businesses.

But this is just a jump start post to a group conversation I had earlier this week.
Leader: What counts in sharing the gospel? Is it the EE questions [If you died tonight where would you go? And Why should God let you into heaven?] Is it pulling the trigger and confronting someone to say Yes or No to Jesus? Is it talking about God and spirituality? What counts? I need to know so I can meet my share the gospel 3 times quota and I need something to measure if other people really did it or not.
Me: (internal conversation: Why the *** does that matter?) Then I found myself getting angry to the point that I couldn't speak what I was feeling. I started to tap my foot and almost left the room.

Where did this anger come from? Why was I and still am so angry when I heard that? Why is it when Christians speak on having to share the gospel they feel tired and obligated with just the thought? Are we communicating have to or get tos? Are there times though that obedience is not enjoyable, but actually more of a have to? Or should the commands of Christ not ever be burdensome? Why are so many Christians so tired, borderline bitter, secretive and not that enjoyable to be around? Are we missing something or is that what suffering looks like and everyone just needs to sip their cup and keep going?

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